Nestled in a beautiful setting in Washington County, Pigeon Creek is a welcoming and loving congregation of longtime members and recent additions. Our worship style is fairly traditional, but that does not mean it is dry or boring! We have programs and activities for children and youth, as well as young and not-so-young adults! There is a lot of laughter here in celebration and joy, but there is also a deep compassion and care for the brokenhearted and the struggling people among us and around us. We are a group of imperfect people striving to love God and love others. Sometimes, we get it right! We are always happy to welcome new people into our midst.

Here is our staff:


Pastor: Rev. John Dykstra--bald and proud of it!

Sexton: Norma June Moore--the hardest worker East of the Mississippi!

Treasurer/Secretary: Alissa Borso--an administrative juggernaut!

Organist: Cheryl Brown--go ahead, try to name a song she doesn't know! 















© 2024 Pigeon Creek Presbyterian Church
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